GB Multimedia - Professional Music & Fashion Photography by Gary Brown

Sunday 3 October 2010

One Man & One Guitar

While I sit up destroying my F5 keys in the frantic hunt for Glastonbury tickets. It seems fairly apt to tell you all about a fantastic gig I saw, and shot, last week.

The headline act was one Willie Mason (not Willie Nelson, with whom I had confused Mason on more than one occasion), an American Singer-Songwriter. Support was provided by a man I had never heard of, by the name of Marcus Foster. Both of these two have a penchant for steel-string acoustic guitars and simple but powerful songs. I give a special note to Marcus Foster, who has a fantastic, haunting voice and writes some excellent stuff.

As anyone who knows me will testify, its not too often I go out of my way to listen to 'proper' songs, as written by these two gents, and so it was a great reminder of the amazing power that can be wielded by one man and his guitar. For all the maximal, 174bpm relentless tunes that I normally get off on, sometimes stripping everything back can be just as effective.

I'm now off to google Marcus Foster Breakcore Remix ;-)

Marcus Foster 21/09/10

Marcus Foster 21/09/10

Willie Mason 21/09/10

Willie Mason 21/09/10


  1. have been listening to Marcus for some time now and he is amazing! His voice is sooo unique!
    Have you heard Bobby Long play? He is a friend of Marcus and is also amazing! Different voices and style but both ohh so talented!

  2. another friend that writes some nice stuff is Sam Bradley

  3. Marcus Foster is a wonderful songwriter,and no one can pour more emotion into a song. He's brilliant. So glad you got to experience him.
    Great photos, too!

  4. Marcus Foster is incredibly talented! He has a new EP to be released soon, through Communion Records.
