GB Multimedia - Professional Music & Fashion Photography by Gary Brown

Monday 11 October 2010

Tim Robbins - A-Lister in Salford - 01/10/10

Its not very often that you see Oscar winners knocking about in the middle of Salford, but thats exactly the sight I was greeted with as I pulled up at St. Phillips Church for my latest gig. I closed the boot of my car and look to my right to see Hollywood star Tim Robbins strolling alone around the front of the venue with casual nonchalance. He seemed to be taking in the ambience and history of this venue, admittedly one of the strangest, and most beautiful gig venues I have ever seen.

"Hello." I said to Tim. He smiled and reciprocated and I ventured inside, not wanting to intrude too much as he prepared to perform.

The venue, as I just said, was beautiful. I was expecting an old church, disused and refitted as a gig venue but that was very wrong. The church is still in commission complete with pews, alter, ornaments and a congregation, albeit a different congregation from the average Sunday, I'd wager. It also had a kitted out bar in the corner (nice touch) complete with draught ale, they don't mess about in Salford!

With the audience politely seated, security informed my fellow photographers and I not to intrude too much on their view. We had the first 3 songs with no flash (standard) and then we had to leave the venue. A little harsh as I'd have liked to watch more of the performance, especially as its difficult to fully enjoy whilst taking pictures as my brain is fully committed to getting the right shot.

Thankfully the lighting wasnt too bad and I managed some great shots. Tim's performance seemed to be going down well- straight up American rock with a twist of folk, blues and country- and it was a shame I couldn't watch the rest really.

Tim Robbins - Salford - 01/10/10

Tim Robbins - Salford - 01/10/10

Tim Robbins - Salford - 01/10/10

Tim Robbins - Salford - 01/10/10

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